


Hsin Lien Sheng's 180° Reversing Spotting Press is explicitly engineered for Mold Spotting tasks. Featuring a unique 180-degree rotation feature, operators can easily conduct Mold Spotting at various angles, guaranteeing the mold's optimal positioning for accurate spotting.

Beyond its Mold Spotting functions, this press machine is equally proficient for primary spotting operations, making it a perfect fit for smaller-scale production environments. The machine ensures safe and efficient spotting and pressing by facilitating easy maneuvering of both lower and upper dies, followed by a 180-degree reversal.

Experience a new level of efficiency in Mold Spotting with heightened safety measures on this cutting-edge press machine. Realize superior Mold Spotting quality and simplified processes with our dependable 180° Reversing Spotting Press. Enjoy precision and streamlined Mold Spotting procedures with Hsin Lien Sheng's exceptional offering.
